
Website Update


I’ve had some free time to work on my website again, for about the third time now. Over that time I have decided to rewrite the entire site using Hugo. For a while I have been putting this off because it has a steep learning curve, particularly if you want to make your own theme. However this time will pay itself off, because you won’t have to deal with doing find and replace on a bunch of HTML pages.

Also I have started to use Git as well, with GitHub for hosting. That way I can automatically keep the source files up to date between my devices (laptop, desktop, server). When it comes to building the site, I do it on the server. The only downside to this is that if I want to make a tiny change, there are more steps. But I think it will be better for the long term to stop me from overwriting half my website’s pages.

Eventually I will probably get around to making some sort of tutorials for Hugo and Git. There’s a lot of documentation for both of these, but there aren’t any beginner friendly guides to tell you how to get the minimum working.